Time sure has slipped passed me. I can't believe it's been 7 months since my family & I moved from Connecticut to Hawaii (& since I've posted to my blog). The move out here went as smoothly as it could with a move of that distance. We love it here....the weather is just wonderful (besides the amount of rain we get where we're located), the views of the mountains & ocean are beautiful too. It's much different than New England & I have to say I'm glad we left before all of the winter snow storms that hit the east coast and the rest of the mainland.
Since I haven't posted in such a long time, my mind is oozing with things to chat about so bare with me while I ramble on........
The main reason my Etsy shop hasn't re-opened yet is because I haven't had much time to commit to it. I do however have several new goodies up my sleeve so stay tuned because I'll share them here first.
If you haven't noticed, (how could you not LOL) my blog has a new look as of yesterday. How do you like it? I love it! Although, I'd like the brown color of my text to be a very dark brown, but Blogger isn't giving me that option. If anyone out there is blogger savvy & can help a girl out, I'd appreciate it.
I'd like to create a new banner for my Etsy shop with this same style as my blog so be on the look-out for that.
In addition to ideas for my Etsy shop, I've been working on some projects for myself, family & friends. It's so fitting too because recently I found out that March is National Craft Month. I had no idea & had already planned to use this month to begin & actually finish (*gasp*) some projects. I'll be sharing pics of those projects here so keep your eyes peeled.
I think that covers most of what's been on my mind lately. I'll be posting again (before 7 months passes) and share my Etsy shop news as well as my projects I'm working on.
While you're here, leave a comment to say hi & let me know what you've all been up to. Have a wonderful weekend!